Carbon Capture by Cofimco

Validating CCUS Projects with Cofimco Axial Fans

Choosing the right axial fan from a reputable manufacturer is essential for the success of CCUS projects. During the crucial CO2 capture phase, our fans stand out by efficiently handling large air volumes and directing them through filters. This ensures optimal plant performance and maximum efficiency, making our solutions a pivotal component in effective CCUS implementation.

Our expertise in Post Combustion and Direct Air Capture (DAC), has propelled us to create a dedicated division, fully committed to supporting CCUS projects. Carbon Capture by Cofimco is our promise to lead the way toward a more sustainable future.

Cofimco provides one of the largest selections of axial fans globally, designed for superior energy efficiency, minimal noise, and reduced vibration. Our innovative Tandem® blade technology, developed through rigorous research and aerodynamic enhancements to fan blades, boosts airflow and efficiency while simultaneously cutting down on power usage.

Are you interested in the opportunities provided by Cofimco’s axial fans for CCUS projects?

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Cofimco Srl
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
Società a Socio unico
