AV Series

Series AV (Automatic Variable pitch) fans are available in diameters up to 18 ft (5.487 m) in eleven different blade profiles. Larger diameters can be provided upon request.
Each blade (either extruded aluminium or pultruded FRP) is connected to the bearing block through a high quality steel flange or pillow block.
AV fans are available on “B” (flexi) and “M” (rigid) hub designs. Both clockwise and counter clockwise configurations are available in standard and reverse mounting types.
Our third generation pneumatic actuator provides a linear and hysteresis-free response to the input (signal) pressure. Specifically designed for minimum maintenance, it assures the most competitive life cycle cost. In case of air failure the blade pitch is forced to either the maximum or minimum value according to the customer’s requirement. Alternatively, the blades can also be kept at the last pitch value by the addition of an air lock valve. The user can easily make adjustments to the blade pitch and maximum travel.

Main applications:

  • Air coolers
  • Air cooled steam condensers
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Axial Fans
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Cofimco S.p.A.
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
Società a Socio unico

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