Cofimco Axial Fans places the utmost importance on the health and safety of its employees by enforcing safe and healthy working conditions in order to prevent work-related injuries. Cofimco is constantly in the forefront working on strategies to eliminate hazards and consequently reducing health risks by implementing safety at work.

We periodically hold a brief (2-5 minutes) "Safety Moment" to remind our Employees the importance of staying safe at work but concerning every aspect of our lives. This initiative is to reinforce safety awareness and involve everyone towards a positive safety culture.

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Axial Fans
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Cofimco Srl
via Gramsci, 136 Pombia (NO) Italia

Capitale Sociale Euro 516.460 i.v.
P.IVA 01508600036  N. REA 178367
Società a Socio unico

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